Category: Business & Finance

  • Why Are Used Rolex Watches More Expensive Than New Ones?

    Why Are Used Rolex Watches More Expensive Than New Ones?

    Rolex watches have become synonymous with luxury and prestige, with the brand commanding a significant portion of the watch market. As the demand for Rolex watches continues to increase, their production cannot match the number of people wanting to buy them. The long waiting list and the limited availability of new Rolex watches have caused…

  • 7 Money Rules The Rich Use To Build Wealth

    7 Money Rules The Rich Use To Build Wealth

    We all want to be rich, but few of us know what it takes to achieve it. Contrary to popular belief, wealth is not just about having a lot of money. It’s about knowing how to use it wisely, and this is where the rich have a distinct advantage. They use simple money rules to…

  • How to Get Rich in the 2023 Recession: The Three Investing Rules

    How to Get Rich in the 2023 Recession: The Three Investing Rules

    The economy is looking pretty shaky in 2023. High inflation, the Federal Reserve raising rates, and the stock market suffering over the past 12 months or so. But the world’s best investors have been busy buying into the market while most other investors have been selling. They follow a strategy of investing heavily during weak…

  • How to Find the Most Affordable Mortgage Rate

    How to Find the Most Affordable Mortgage Rate

    Buying a new home is an exciting experience, but it can also be stressful, particularly when it comes to finding the most affordable mortgage rate. With so many different types of mortgages available, it’s important to understand the basics before you start shopping around. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at how to…

  • What is de-dollarization and why is it happening?

    What is de-dollarization and why is it happening?

    The US dollar has been the dominant currency in the world for decades, but its supremacy is being challenged by other countries that are seeking to reduce their dependence on it. This phenomenon is known as de-dollarization, and it has significant implications for the global economy and geopolitics. What is de-dollarization and why is it…

  • 10 Lucrative Self-Running Businesses for Passive Income

    10 Lucrative Self-Running Businesses for Passive Income

    Investment is a good way to create passive income cash flow, but it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. To be candid, there’s no genuine investment venture that will make you a millionaire overnight. However, having multiple streams of income is the key to becoming and remaining a millionaire. The challenge lies in running multiple businesses simultaneously.…

  • The Real Wealth: Brain, Heart, and Love Quotient – Jack Ma on Innovation

    The Real Wealth: Brain, Heart, and Love Quotient – Jack Ma on Innovation

    In a world where money is often seen as the ultimate measure of success, it is refreshing to hear a different perspective from one of the world’s most successful businessmen. Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba, believes that real wealth is not just about money. In his recent speech in Israel, he shared his…

  • 10 Signs Wealth is Coming to You: How to Manifest True Financial Abundance

    10 Signs Wealth is Coming to You: How to Manifest True Financial Abundance

    Are you on the path to manifesting true financial wealth? In this blog post, we will explore ten signs that indicate wealth is coming your way. These signs are based on the concept of the law of attraction, a powerful principle that can help you attract abundance into your life. By understanding these signs and…

  • What Makes a GREAT Manager? Qualities That Set the Best Apart

    What Makes a GREAT Manager? Qualities That Set the Best Apart

    Being promoted to a management position is often seen as a mark of success in the workplace. However, not all great employees make great managers. So, what makes a great manager? According to Julie Zhuo, ex-VP of Facebook and author of “The Making of a Manager,” it’s not an inherent quality but a set of…

  • 5 Rules for Effective Communication with Executives

    5 Rules for Effective Communication with Executives

    Are you having trouble communicating effectively with executives? Do you find that they speak a different language than you? Well, it’s not just you; many people struggle with communicating with executives effectively. In this article, we will discuss the five rules for communicating with executives and help you navigate the landscape of executive communication. Rule…

  • The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Keep Cash in the Bank, but Buy Silver Instead

    The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Keep Cash in the Bank, but Buy Silver Instead

    In today’s world, it’s essential to have a reliable and secure investment to ensure your future financial stability. With inflation on the rise and the value of money depreciating every year, it’s crucial to find an investment that can withstand economic downturns and maintain its value over time. This is where silver comes in as…

  • Think Fast and Talk Smart On the Spot: How to Talk Fast and Clearly in Meetings

    Think Fast and Talk Smart On the Spot: How to Talk Fast and Clearly in Meetings

    Have you ever found yourself in a meeting or a conversation where you struggled to articulate your thoughts in a quick and intelligent way? Perhaps you were put on the spot and couldn’t come up with an answer on the spot? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with thinking fast and talking smart…