How to Take the BS Out of Business Speak

Are you fluent in the language of BS? Or are you tired of hearing corporate buzzwords in the workplace that you have no idea what they mean? If you’re the latter, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll discuss ways to remove business jargon from your daily vocabulary and communicate effectively without sounding like a robot.

Why Business Speak is a Problem

Business jargon is the language used in the workplace to describe and define things. It can be difficult to understand and may lead to confusion and miscommunication. While business jargon is often used as a shorthand to communicate quickly, it can be alienating to those who are not familiar with it.

According to research, business jargon is often created and spoken by a large majority of white men. This is not surprising, as historically, white men have dominated the business world. However, this means that business jargon is not inclusive, and it can make people from diverse backgrounds feel excluded from the conversation.

Three Ways to Remove Business Jargon

  1. Keep It Simple The first step to removing business jargon is to keep it simple. Instead of using complex terms and acronyms, use plain language that is easy to understand. If you’re not sure if your language is simple enough, ask yourself, “Would my grandmother understand this?” If the answer is no, simplify it further.
  2. Be Inclusive To be inclusive, use language that everyone can understand. Avoid using jargon and acronyms that are specific to your industry or organization. If you do use jargon, explain what it means to those who may not be familiar with it. This will make everyone feel included in the conversation.
  3. Know Your Audience It’s important to know your audience and speak their language. If you’re speaking to someone who is not familiar with your industry, use plain language. If you’re speaking to someone who is familiar with your industry, you can use jargon, but be sure to explain what it means to those who may not be familiar with it.


Removing business jargon from your daily vocabulary takes time and practice. However, it’s worth it to communicate effectively and inclusively with your colleagues and clients. By keeping it simple, being inclusive, and knowing your audience, you can eliminate business jargon from your vocabulary and communicate like a human being. So, the next time you’re tempted to use a buzzword, ask yourself, “Is this the best way to communicate my message?”

